Jessea Perry Hankins

Novelist or spy?


i am the proud owner of a pen name.



The Alchemy of Forever


My first young adult novel, published by Simon & Schuster: It's about science, magic, and the Bay Area, where the immortal seraphina finds herself walking the thin line between love and death. 

translated and published in Poland, Germany, Brazil, Czech Republic, the UK, and beyond for utter world domination.


A menacing ending will leave fans ready for the next installment, and fans there will be.
— School Library Journal

The Impossibility of Tomorrow



published june, 2013 by simon & schuster. The Impossibility of Tomorrow is the sequel to The Alchemy of Forever, and talks readers gently off the cliffhanger I left them on. Highlights include sociopathic immortals, spirit animals, and solving mysteries in Jack London Square.

Sometimes, a life pivots from its intended path in the wake of the tiniest thing. Sometimes all it takes is one word.



I write poems. 
Most people say, "these are strange."



This full-length poetry collection was my thesis project for my MFA degree. Alas, it remains unpublished. (Publishers: call me. Actually, don't call me. Email!) What is it "about"? The hell if I know. If I had to sum up: it is an unrequited love letter to Oakland, an elegy for ghosts, a spell cast with the intention of summoning magic in feral cities, a defense of the narrative lyric, a wallowing in nostalgia, and a documentary of 9/11 and the Bush years through the lens of a broken fairytale. You should read it! 


This is a teensy little chapbook that I wrote. It was typeset and printed by me on a vintage Vandercook letterpress in a spooky book arts studio inhabited by ghosts and fumes.

Some poems live on the internet.

"Newly Apiary"
"Not that Phoenix"


Some poems live on paper.

LUNGFULL! 17, from The Flatlands
West Wind Review 2011, “When We All Speak”
Foursquare 3.1, “Bellwether Friend”
Bird Dog Issue 9, from The Flatlands
Bateau, from Tributary

music for trespassers

This chapbook was also designed and typeset by hand by moi with moveable lead type–56 pages' worth! My goodness. It takes its structure from Beethoven's Pathétique piano sonata and contains a poem called "Baseball Season" that has nothing to do with baseball, as well as a poem called "Elegy" which is, in fact, an elegy for Elliott Smith. 


A flag book I made for a section from my long poem Tributary, the entirety of which can be found within Persistent World.